In fiecare an inainte de Craciun primesc si trimit zeci de felicitari.
De fiecare data ma gandesc la un mesaj original pentru cele pe care le trimit on line si la un desen foarte reperezentativ pentru cele pe care nu le trimit pe care virtuala.
Mereu in schimb, ma gandesc: Cei pe care nu i-am mai vazut de mai bine de 5 ani si carora le trimit felicitari ce cred?
Cred ca fac parte dintr- o lista pe care eu "bulk" ii dau drumul de Craciun. Ma gandeam la acest subiect si culmea gasesc in aceeasi zi in ziarul local acesta poezie cu autor necunoscut.
I have a list of friends I know, all written in a book,
And every year when Christmas comes, I go and take a look.
And that is when I realize that these names are a part
Not of the book they’re written in, but of my very heart.
For each name stands for someone who has crossed my path sometime,
And in that meeting they’ve become the rhythm in each rhyme.
And while it sounds fantastic, for me to make this claim,
I really feel that I’m composed of each remembered name.
And while you may not be aware of any special link,
Just meeting you have changed my life a lot more than you think.
For once I’ve met somebody, the years cannot erase
The memory of a pleasant word or a friendly face.
So never think my Christmas cards are just a mere routine
Of names upon a Christmas list, forgotten in between.
For when I send you a Christmas card that is addressed to you,
It’s because you are on the list of those I’m indebted to.
For I am but the total of the many friends I’ve met,
And you happen to be one of those I prefer not to forget.
And whether I have known you for many years or a few,
In some way you have had a part of shaping things I do.
And every year when Christmas comes, I realize anew,
The best gift life can offer is meeting friends like you.
And may the spirit of Christmas that evermore endures,
Leave its richest blessing in the hearts of you and yours.
Imi cer scuze pentru trimiterea ei in limba engleza dar traducerea pierdea din frumusetea poemului. Este exact sentimentul pe care il impartasesc in fiecare an cand trimit aceste urari.
Pentru toti care trimit aceste urari de Craciun celor care au insemnat ceva in viata lor, din suflet , acest poem se potriveste de minune.
Un Craciun Fericit!