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Understanding the suicidal temptation

I remember the day  a  Romanian singer was found dead after comitting suicide. All the TV talkshows were on fire: everybody was shocked. And no one could explain. They all remembered her and talked about her. All of them were convinced she had no reasons  to do it. Except a Romanian actress. A beautiful succesfull Romanian actress. (I don’t want to give names)

The actress  was convinced she knew why the singer comitted suicide. Because she felt the same at some point in her life when she had been tempted to do the same. And she described the morning when the temptation was the strongest.  What caught mostly my attention were the words: ”I didn’t want to open my eyes again.”

She really made me think  about it. I am both a singer-songwriter and an actress. I needed to understand the feeling, I imagined it. And I really thought I understood. But I only thought I did. The truth is I didn’t.

Until  this summer. I came back from a selection were I was not just rejected - but painfully humiliated. It was painful because I let myself trapped in the whole situation simply because of my problem of not ever  being officially recognized as a good vocalist. Singing folk music is considered some sort of a hobby and I lost a lot of important trains in my life – contratcs, selections or collaborations with great musicians simply because I am basically a folk music songwriter. I was officially admitted in pop music competitions, I was also awarded there - but they probably considered them judging errors. So I decided I needed to do something about it and officially show my determination to learn and let the professionals help me reinvent myself. Any kind of learning was welcome to me  and a TV show was all the more welcome.

 I got there and the organizers  encouraged me I would be admitted. I was so happy, my lungs were full of fresh air of a new beginnig showing up to the horizon . But all they probably wanted was to publicly humiliate me just to make the show more attractive. What I needed to be a new beginning - turned to be a horrible experience. But it gave me  the feeling of the “morning after”.

I was in my bed and I heard the moves in the house. And I understood it hadn’t been  a nightmare. I had to face the truth and rebuild my existance all over again, to start from zero all over again. This mere thought started a huge pain in my chest  and slowly it was spreading in the whole body. My eyes were still closed but  it felt like I was to bleed to death if I open them. I wished there was something I could do so that I won’t have to open my eyes ever again.

Then it hit me. (I opened the eyes as if I had remembered I had won a million dollars at the lottery! ) This must be the feeling of suicide temptation! I had never felt like that before. That’s how that singer must have felt! That’s what that beautiful successful actress was talking about!
The actress in me felt like winning an Oscar but the human in me was still in pain. I had to do something to stop it. I was torn in two and I was acking and there was no way in my brain to make me feel better.

Then I smiled in revelation. This was the feeling of  the capital temptation. The eleventh step. The suicidal temptation. It  makes you  feel  so  ashamed  of yourself that it hurts like Hell. What can be done to  fight temptation-any kind of temptation? Which  is the hadiest tool? Prayer, of course!

And I prayed.

It  was a mechanical prayer. Deep in my heart I hated God for allowing this to happen to me. Just like you  hate  your  parents  when  they  punish  you even if you know it is for your own good. But I needed  to  feel  better  and  that  was  my  only way .

You probably won’t believe me but the prayer simply made the pain vanish. When I got up on my feet after praying there was no more pain in my chest. It was gone! I felt a bit  like vomitting though and I wasn’t able to eat or dring anything, especially coffee – and this really was something to think about. How can a body reject coffee after such an experience?  A strong coffee had  always made me feel better when something painful ever happened to me.

I went back to bed and slept all day. I drank a bit of water in the evening and the next morning I could taste a bit of yogurt, then  slept again till the evening when I could eat a whole cup of Yogurt.

The Christian rule is to forgive and let God do the judjing and punishing. You must forgive, not judge and be convinced you deserved it. Well,
I am not a saint. I could not just forgive. And I was not at all convinced I would ever in this life agree to myself  I deserved it. No one on this planet can just forgive when something unfair happens to her or him.

But praying helps. Really helps…  Even if you don’t believe there’s anything the prayer  can do for you when all hope seem to be gone from the face of the Earth. I believe it helped me because there was a healthy spiritual ground in me and this experience was just a bit of dirt that darkened my spirit for a while, trying to remove my belief in God. The days after were also hard to be faced but praying made me get stronger and seriosly think about my life , what I had done so far and what could be done from then on.

Angels have their human correspondants on Earth: friends. I spent a week away from the world with a friend of mine and her family and friends, close to an orthodox convent and when I came back home I knew I had no reasons to be desperate. It was just an experience. Ugly, awfull… but just one failure among a lot of good things I'd done in my life, built on passion and hardwork and … praying. It didn’t kill me to fail once. It made me stronger. And it convinced me for good that comitting suicide is the most stupid thing to do to solve a problem.
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Maria Magdalena Danaila (01.11.2012, 11:36)
Da, ar mai fi si asta o metoda: marturisindu-ne unii altora problemele. Leia, sper sa ne dai adresa ta de mail ca sa stam la povesti cu tine- stiu din proprie experienta ca ceea ce spunea Nichita Stanescu e cat se poate de adevarat: un prieten e mai mult decat un inger. Sa povestesti cu o prietena este o solutie. Dar imi repet convingerea ca trebuie sa vorbesti si cu un preot. E nevoie de o pregatire indelunga, supravegheata de un preot, intocmai precum pregatirea superioara trebuie supravegheata de un profesor. Sufletul e incercat si ai nevoie de un om instruit superior in pregatirea si ... salvarea sufletului.
Renee (01.11.2012, 09:00)
Maria, bine extraordinar exprimat.
Marturisesc ca am impartasit o experienta asemanatoare. Desi nu cred si nu am crezut vreodata in suicid ca solutie salvatoare, recent, daramata de toate lucrurile aiurea si nedrepte care mi se intampla, am simtit exact acelasi nu mai trebuiasca sa deschid ochii. Si rugaciunea a fost cea care mi-a dat putere sa uit gandul si sa merg mai departe. Se spune ca "ce nu te omoara, te face mai puternic"" . Cred asta sincer si incep sa inteleg ca tot ce ni se intampla rau este pentru a ne modela si pentru a ne dezvolta , pentru a deveni mai buni, mai intelegatori, mai puternici, pentru a descoperi in noi nebanuite puteri, talente ascunse, un eu demult abandonat. Si eu m-am simtit singura si abandonata si inutila si fara rost. Cu toate astea, stiu inca o data ca viata merita traita, cu orice vine ea. Provocarile nu fac decat sa o condimenteze...

Leia, daca simti nevoia sa vorbesti cu cineva care sa te asculte si sa te inteleaga, da-mi un numar de telefon la care sa ne putem auzi sau o adresa de mail.
Maria Magdalena Danaila (30.10.2012, 18:21)
Leia, tot ce te pot sfatui e sa ... vorbesti cu un preot. Pentru ca banuiesc ca "nu esti dusa prea des la biserica" - si e aproape evident pentru mine de ce nu "functioneaza" rugaciunea. Eu vorbeam de un fundament spiritual sanatos - si in mare parte se datoreaza duhovnicilor mei. Sunt marturisita, sunt impartasita, imi e mai simplu sa "operez" cu rugaciunea, chiar si atunci cand Raul a reusit sa ma sminteasca in felul lui subtil si infiorator de parsiv. E nevoie sa stai macar de vorba cu el. Un preot iti poate fi de mult mai mare ajutor decat mine. Dar trebuie sa faci pasul asta. Sa ne rugam de capul nostru nu e suficient, crede-ma.
Leia (30.10.2012, 11:36)
am trecut si eu prin astfel de depresii crunte...
ma tem ca ma apropii din nou de o astfel de experienta neplacuta si nu stiu daca mai am puterea sa trec peste.
iar familia nu ma intelege si nu ma sustine. nu stiu daca se merita sa merg mai departe, sincer......
mi se pare ca nu am niciun loc in lumea astam, sunt o inadaptata social si profesional, nu-mi vad niciun viitor profesional si personal.
iar rugaciunea nu ma ajuta de niciun fel pt ca nici nu stiu s ama rog si nici nu cred in efectul ei, nu cred ca e cineva acolo care sa ma asculte, sa-i pese de mine si, eventual, sa ma ajute cumva, sa ma ajute macar sa scap de durere.....
oana-camelia paun (28.10.2012, 21:12)
corect si bafta multa !!!!
Maria Magdalena Danaila (28.10.2012, 16:30)
Nu pot sa-ti promit ca nu vei mai citi "articole din astea " de la mine :)- rolul lor e sa ajute pur si simplu. Sper din suflet ca acest articol sa fi fost scris la timp pentru a salva o viata cel putin. Rolul artistilor e sa raspunda intrebarilor, sa puna pe tapet anumite probleme si , de ce nu, sa salveze pur si simplu vieti. Sa salveze vieti si nu sa distruga vieti pentru autopromovare. E singurul lucru care ma convinge ca viata merita sa fie traita.
oana-camelia paun (26.10.2012, 12:42)
ai ales foarte bine locatia unde sa te regasesti dupa o traire ca aceasta !!!! ma bucur ca ai putut sa te reculegi !!!! si capul sus , in viata se intampla multe ,important este sa sti sa treci peste . ai facut bine ca nu ai stat in casa si sa iti faci 10mii de ganduri rele care se pare ca pusesera stapanire un pic pe mintea ta si ai preferat sa pleci cu prietenii intr-o mica vacanta si mai ales in apropiere de o manastire. cu multa rugaciune si un pic de vointa ai reusit !!!! sper sa nu mai citesc articole dinastea la tine:P
bafta multa !!!! viata este frumoasa asa cum este ea cu bune si cu rele si nu merita sa ti-o iei ptr nimic in lume!!!!!!!!!
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